
New Pathways Counseling, LLC is Proud to Offer
Supervision Services for Texas LPC Associates

Are you in the process of becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in need of professional consultation?

Have you passed the NCE and are uncertain of what next steps to take?

Are you currently searching for a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor to supervise your Associateship experience

Finding a supervisor that is a good fit is an important piece of ensuring that your time as an LPC-Associate will be rich and rewarding.

I honor my work with new counselors and see my role as a collaborator, teacher, consultant, administrator (to help with all the lovely paperwork and documentation required for licensure), and partner in this shared journey 

– Monica Simpson, MS, LPC-S, BC-TMH

Requirements For A Positive Clinical Supervision Experience

When Choosing a Supervisor

Interview your potential LPC-S carefully, always refer to the LPC Rules when in doubt, and keep good records. I honor my work with new counselors and see my role as a collaborator, teacher, consultant, administrator (to help with all the lovely paperwork and documentation required for licensure), and partner in this shared journey. During the supervision process, associates will develop their counseling skills and theoretical knowledge, learn best ethical practices, gain practical clinical tools, and develop personally and professionally through self-reflection, group work, quality supervision, and experiential exercises.

Expectations of an LPC-Associate

LPC-Associates should know the requirements for obtaining licensure as set forth by The Texas State Board of ExaminersApplicants for the LPC in Texas must complete a supervised work (Associate) experience of 3,000 clock-hours, and that experience must be under the direction of a board approved supervisor. Monica provides individual and group supervision for those who have completed a graduate degree in counseling or a related field and who are wanting to become a Licensed Professional Counselor.

Traits of an Ideal Candidate

• A strong ethical and moral foundation. Please know your Texas Board Rules.

• Someone who accepts responsibility, is dedicated and respectful of the supervisor-supervisee relationship, is organized, has effective time management skills, and is willing to ask questions.

• Someone who understands the supervisor-supervisee relationship can be cancelled for any reason by either party at any time if it is not working out.

• Maintain accurate records of logged hours, supervised hours, and supervision notes. You may use a dedicated electronic system such as Time2Track or an Excel spreadsheet.

• Obtain insurance. There are several options available such as HPSO, American Professional Agency, and CPH.

What is Included in Your Supervision Services

Supervision is $220 a month and is due in full at the beginning of each month. The monthly fee is charged at the beginning of each month and includes phone consultations between sessions when needed. The supervision fee includes the following:

• Individual weekly sessions – (1st and 2nd week of the month for an hour each)

• Group supervision (3rd Saturday of the month for 2 hours)

• Virtual tele-supervision is available

• Feedback and guidance on counseling techniques, diagnosis and assessments and ethical compliance

Provide the Following in Our Initial Interview

• Copy of current resume and 3 professional references

• Copy of Master’s level transcript

• Copy of Professional Liability/Malpractice Insurance (if already purchased)

• Copy of NCE results with satisfactory score (if already taken)

Interested in Supervision?

Out of an abundance of caution, we are only seeing clients using HIPAA compliant video telehealth. You may schedule online or call our office at (817) 823-6892.